Korean Food in Your Kitchen Edition 2: eBook

This is the second edition to the graded magazine reader series of Sam Sam Sam Magazine. Designed for A2 learners to read Korean in a practical way.

Sung-Ju saw that there was a need for fun, practical ways to use Korean as a language learner.  This magazine blends cooking and language learning together again for a second time in the second edition of Sam Sam Sam Magazine.

“Sam” in Korean is the number three however, this edition you get an extra snack 🙂


*책 표지의 가격은 원화 기준입니다. 페이팔 결제를 통해 진행되며, 환율에 따라 미국 달러로 결제됩니다. 실시간 환율에 따라 최종 금액이 약간 달라질 수 있습니다


This is the second edition to the graded magazine reader series of Sam Sam Sam Magazine. Designed for A2 learners to read Korean in a practical way.

Sung-Ju saw that there was a need for fun, practical ways to use Korean as a language learner.  This magazine blends cooking and language learning together again for a second time in the second edition of Sam Sam Sam Magazine.

“Sam” in Korean is the number three however, this edition you get an extra snack 🙂

What’s in this edition? How does it help me with learning Korean?

This graded magazine reader is food centred vocabulary, footnotes for newly introduced words, and short stories to help you expand your Korean reading using the new vocabulary. It is suitable for Level One readers of our graded readers which is A2 level.



The magazine provides four sections:

– Part One: Ingredients

Ingredients can either be bought in your local grocery market or in Asian supermarkets.

 – Part Two: Recipes

Common words and vocabulary to follow the recipe.

– Part Three: Story

Short stories related to the topic of food.

– Part Four: Writing

Who is this book for

Tell me about the features and what you can get from this book

In this edition, you will learn how to make

감자전 (potato pancake)

옥수수전 (corn pancake)

케일 쌈밥 (kale leaf wraps in rice)

고구마 맛탕 (deep-fried sugar glazed sweet potato wedge)

About this series

– This series is for A2 Level Korean-language learners.

– It’s only 34 pages long.

– All in Korean with footnotes and activities to help with new words

– Beautiful photos of food you’ll be making

– Stories about Korean food

What about audio?